Pear Tree, Day nursery

Happy Christmas From Naturally Curious Childcare! – 24 Dec 2015

It’s been another great year for the Naturally Curious Childcare Group. Over the last 12 months our settings, Pear Tree Day Nursery in North Camp, Pebbles Day Nursery in Farnborough and Pirbright Day Nursery near Woking, have been entertaining, educating and caring for over 60 babies and pre-schoolers, not forgetting our after-school clubs too!

Throughout the year we have had a lot of fun! We’ve been on Gruffalo hunts, we’ve explored space, we’ve had visits to the library, got arty and creative, and spent lots of time playing outside. We’ve also enjoyed sensory play, got involved in science, played musical instruments, been sporty and tried lots of new things. We’ve also had several dressing up and charity fundraising days where we’ve baked cakes and thought about ways we can all help other people. Amongst all of this fun we’ve learnt loads; from numeracy and literacy, finding out about other cultures and traditions, to the environment and learning about ourselves.

I’m also delighted to say that we’ve had a few professional successes too, culminating in making the finals of the NMT Nursery Awards last month. Although it’s wonderful to be included in local awards for ‘best nursery’ etc., being recognised on a national level was the perfect ending to a great year.

As you can imagine the last few weeks have been flurry of activity with preparations for Christmas. My wonderful team will deserve a much needed holiday after putting on nativity plays, carol concerts, Christmas parties and looking after a very excited bunch of children! Below are a few photos from these events, including a visit from Father Christmas.

Before that though, I just want to wish all my staff, our community of hugely supportive parents and the children themselves a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I hope Father Christmas brings you everything you want!

Pear Tree Day Nursery – North Camp

pear tree day nursery, north camp

Pebbles Day Nursery – Farnborough

pebbles day nursery, farnborough

Pirbright Day Nursery – Pirbright, Woking

pirbright day nursery, pirbright, woking

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