Naturally Curious Childcare

  • Basingstoke01256 331147
  • Totton023 8086 4894
  • Eling023 8086 6763
  • Farnborough01252 912085

Our Ethos

What Is The Curiosity Approach?

We are delighted to announce we have embarked on The Curiosity Approach accreditation scheme at all our nurseries. All nurseries are working towards gaining recognition for providing beautiful play spaces and learning opportunities for children.

The Curiosity Approach is a wondrous ethos that focuses on Curiosity, Awe, and Wonder in Early Childhood. We are excited to start this incredible journey and are thrilled to share it with you.

Over the up coming year, we are looking to reflect on our current practice and standards and strive to make changes to our environment. Looking to use authentic resources, loose parts and an approach that provides wondrous learning opportunities for your incredible little learners.

The Curiosity Approach is an ethos/approach where we focus on and celebrating magical moments in early years, providing passion, and the invitations to learning, which will promote Curiosity, Imagination, and Awe & Wonder for children.

It's exciting news and we hope you will join us on this incredible journey.

Our Nurseries are tranquil places.

Through The Curiosity Approach, we aim to provide a home from home environment through a calming tranquil space.


Neutral colours, natural materials, cosy places for children to sit and look at books or engage in deep learning. Bright colors, painted windows and rooms crammed with walls full of displays, laminated sheets and number lines, over stimulate children and can lead to over sensitivity, anxiety, and loss of concentration. We aim to provide excellent learning opportunities without impacting on your child's happiness and well-being.


Why have we moved away from bright colours? Overstimulation.


A stimulating environment to play in and explore helps your child learn and grow. Sometimes too many activities add up to overstimulation. It's a all about finding a balance that's right for your child.


In 2018 we had the privilage of entertaining Stephnie Bennet and Lyndsay Hellyn to all of the Naturally Curious Childcare Nurseries to witness 'their' Curiosity Approach in action after our refurbishment plan.

To find out more about our ethos and it's inspirational leaders, click on the follow link


NCC are are are without a doubt, the best nursery in he local area, if not the country. The children are loved, nurtured and developed within the family environment that the owners and staff have created. The love, care, and understanding of each and every as child as an individual is unique, and refreshing. The consistent environment, home cooked on site, well balanced, varied meals meals and snacks are amazing, and all children are encouraged to try new things, with even the fussiest eaters joining in, all the while learning and embracing new experiences, and gaining confidence in themselves as individuals. The level of knowledge and qualifications of all staff is second to none. My only criticism is, my my children had to Leave! Not only do Pear Tree care about their children, but they also care about about the families too. All are are invited and welcome to discuss their children's progress, and get involved with the various activities within the Nursery. I feel truly blessed to have been, part of something so special and and so unique, and to have been able to watch both of my children develop into the amazingly bright, confident, healthy children that they are today. I cannot thank NCC enough, and would highly commend them (and regularly do) to any parent/care provider looking for something above and beyond the 'standard'!

Suzy W - March 2023 5 Stars