Naturally Curious Childcare

  • Basingstoke01256 331147
  • Totton023 8086 4894
  • Eling023 8086 6763
  • Farnborough01252 912085
Call us now 023 8086 6763

Stepping Stones Day Nursery Eling, Totton Meals and Food

Stepping Stones Nursery

  • Age: Birth to 5 Year Olds
  • Open: 8.00am to 6.00pm
  • Call us now 023 8086 6763

If you require immediate information on Naturally Curious Childcare's Nurseries, we have uploaded our parent pack for you to take a look at. Download it now it. it's packed full of really usefull information on the nursery.

Meals & Food

At Stepping Stones Day Nursery, we offer your child home cooked, healthy and nutritious meals on a daily basis. This includes breakfast, lunch, tea and snacks in between. All of our meals are prepared and cooked on site by our experienced chef Janine.

Janine is highly passionate about food and loves to be involved in new ideas for our menus. She works daily in our fully equipped on site kitchen providing meals from scratch including homemade breads, fish goujons, roast dinners and more, Janine is also an amazing baker and enjoys creating new dishes and tasty treats for us to try. Our weekly food menu is displayed in each of our nurseries and is rotated on a three weekly basis offering a Summer and Winter menus. We believe that introducing children to experience foods from different cultures and background to ensure this widens their experiences of the world around them and enhances those taste buds.

We can cater for any preferences and dietary requirements that your child may have and are always on hand to help and support introducing new foods and textures. We ask that parents inform us of any requirements during their child's settling in sessions.

Milk and water are provided to the children with their meals and throughout the day.

Children play a large part in meal times. We encourage the children to set the table for lunch and clear away after themselves learning those all-important life skills. Manners are a huge part of meal times and these are role modelled by the practitioners throughout. Children use ceramic plates and knives and forks as they would at home or in a restaurant, it is important to trust our children with these items so that they understand they need to take care of their belongings. Children’s self-serve their own meals and socialise around the table with one another.

We are proud to say that Stepping Stones have a 5 star food hygiene rating which is the highest achievable. We have yearly inspections to check we are complying with all food hygiene rules and regulations.


My daughter has been coming to Pinecones since she was 7 months old, she is now 4 years old and will be starting Primary School this year. All the staff have shown so much dedication and support throughout our time at this nursery and have helped us so much with anything we need. My little girls key worker Lauren has gone above and beyond with her and I can absolutely see this from the progress my daughter has made throughout her time here. She loves coming to Pinecones and we will both miss it so much when she leaves this year! Thank you all so much!

Anna Bascombe - March 2023 5 Stars