Naturally Curious Childcare

  • Basingstoke01256 331147
  • Totton023 8086 4894
  • Eling023 8086 6763
  • Farnborough01252 912085
Call us now 01252 912085

Pebbles Day Nursery - Farnborough

Pebbles Day Nursery

  • Age: 0 to 5 Year Olds
  • Open: 8.00am to 6.00pm All Year Round
  • Call us now 01252 912085

If you require immediate information on Naturally Curious Childcare's Nurseries, we have uploaded our parent pack for you to take a look at. Download it now it. it's packed full of really usefull information on the nursery.

Staff Management Team



Tamzin Wither

Acting Manager


My son has been at pear tree for nearly 2 years now and he feels very settled and really loves his time at the nursery. As a parent I feel that his needs are extremely well catered for by the staff. The staff are caring, supportive of the individual child’s needs, friendly and clearly very dedicated to the children - whom they treat as individuals. I love the fact that the whole nursery aged from 2-5 spend the day together and I also love the set up in the garden so the children can always have fresh air and outside play regardless of the weather

Louise M - May 2016 5 Stars